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Visits to the doctor can be a common source of anxiety for little ones. They may not always know what to expect at their appointment, what's being addressed that day, what comes next or who they'll be seeing!


We've created this interactive social story resource to provide a way for children to take ownership over their visits to the doctor, and to give them a sense of security and calm by knowing what they can do if they find themselves in an anxious moment!


Included in this resource you'll be able to customize the child's experience with:

  • where they'll wait for the doctor (ex. in the car, in the waiting room)
  • what the exam will focus on (ex. their body, or something more specific like the ear, leg, etc.)
  • what calming techniques they can use
  • what they can do while they wait
  • + more!


You may choose to print and laminate this resource, and have the child velcro on/off images as needed. Or, you may choose to print this out, and have the child help cut + paste their desired visuals!


Have a suggestion for a coping skill, strategy or other visual not included in here? Reach out to us!

Emotional Regulation:


Sensory Processing:


Motor Planning + Gross Motor:


Handwriting and Fine Motor:


Visual Motor/Visual Perceptual:


Want to see more products like these? Check us out on Instagram!

Going to the Doctor: An Interactive Social Story to Decrease Anxiety

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