favorite products
some of our can't-go-without-'ems
When it comes to toys and products, we emphasize quality over quantity. We've put together some of our tried and true products that have proven to earn their title as a "favorite" and bypass the likelihood of ending up unused in the old toy box.
For organizational purposes, some products are arranged by the child's developmental age, which may differ from their chronological age. Please note all products should be used under proper supervision. Developmentools participates in the Amazon Affiliate program, which includes some products listed below. Please see our Disclaimer page for more details.
All items below include price, however it should be noted that prices are subject to change per Amazon seller. Because of this, some pricing discrepancies may occur.
Take your time to scroll and look around, or jump right to your topic of interest by clicking on the subjects below:
Primary Development
Tummy time, crawling, foundational grasping and bilateral skills
Recommendations coming soon - check back next week!
Dressing and Accessories
Fine Motor
Proprioceptive & Vestibular Input
* please consult professional for appropriate weight