The holidays can be a time of joy and celebration, for some. For others it can be a time of stress, loneliness or sorrow.
And while we know that the best gift we can give our child is time, we can’t ignore the joy and fun that can come from seeing a child’s face light up with a new toy that’s just for them.
With so many options out there it can be overwhelming trying to decide what to buy.
And if the holidays are not-so-joyful for you it can be challenging to wrap your head around celebrating let alone knowing what to buy for your sister’s new baby, for example.
Let us take the guessing out for you.
Alison + I had a blast curating this gift guide for you. We decided which categories we wanted to highlight and from there tried to find the most functional & fun items with the best (and most) reviews. While we have not personally tried each and every one of these items, based on the descriptions we can confidently say that they will relate to or address the skills of the category they’re in.
The guide is organized into a variety of categories making it easy to narrow your focus.
Categories include:
- Primary development
- Sensory Processing
- Activities of daily living
- Social + Emotional + Mindfulness
- Gifts for travelers + explorers
- Executive functioning + problem solving
- Gifts for therapists + educators
The section titles are linked, so if you know you want sensory toys, click that title and it’ll bring you right there.
We’ve intentionally selected items in hopes of offering a nice variety for differing interests and skill levels, but narrowed it down enough to help that decision making process run a bit more smoothly.
We hope that this gift guide makes shopping easier and less time consuming so as to allow you more of that #1 gift, time.
Find the guide on our website or download it directly.
Whatever this holiday season means to you, we celebrate you and are so grateful to have you in our community.
"the best gift a child can have is a caregiver that plays with them." - b. perry
xo, alison + maddie